Hi everyone. I first want to say that this is a long post, so if you are unable to read the whole thing, I totally understand. I know how busy many of you are.
As some of you already know, my sweet little mom died on Wednesday, June, 30th. In some ways, it feels like it happened weeks ago, not days. Then there are times I feel like it must have all been a bad dream. She couldn't really be gone, could she? Needless to say, it has been a very difficult time with much sorrow and little sleep.
I am finding out that making cards helps keep me busy and has actually been very calming and therapeutic for me. My mom loved my cards, and I know she would not want me to stop making them. I also want to thank those of you who have sent messages of condolences. Your friendship means so much to me. Two of the many reasons why I love this hobby so very much.
I need to explain a few things so you can understand why I've made these three cards for my sisters. In the last month or so of my mom's life, she wanted to stay as independent as possible. That meant staying in her own home for as long as she could, knowing eventually that the cancer would force her into needing more help. The 6 of us kids took turns helping her with daily chores, meals and taking her to appointments.
As the weeks progressed, along with the cancer, mom became weaker and even had a few falls. We realized that she should not be alone at all anymore. Two of my sisters, Mary and Laurie, live very close to her, so they started taking turns sleeping there. Finally we had to convince mom that it was time she move into my sister Nancy's house. This had always been the plan. We did not want her to be put in a nursing home. Nancy has a lovely home, with plenty of room and she and her husband, Jim, were kind enough to give mom a peaceful, loving place to stay in the last days of her life.
I am so appreciative of the love and care that my sisters gave so easily to our mom, so I've made each one of them a card. I made this first card with some Making Memories paper and will be sending it to my younger sister, Laurie.

Laurie had the perfect combination of gentleness and strength each time she was with my mom. She really is so special.
This next card is for my sister, Mary. She is so sweet and actually took a fall, along with mom, down a few stairs. She felt so badly.

Mary was always there for mom whenever she needed anything....and I mean ANYTHING.
This last card is for my oldest sister, Nancy. She is the most generous person I know and is married to a man who is just as generous. My mom stayed at their house for a week before she died. In that week, Nancy, her husband and their four girls never left my mom alone for a minute.
The sacrifices they made in order to give mom dignity, love and peace were nothing short of amazing.
I'm hoping these cards help show my sisters just how much I love them and appreciate all they did for our mom.
I know this was a long post, but I felt it was so important. Thank you, as always, for visiting. Much love and hugs to all of you.