Happy Monday!
I start back to work tonight after a wonderful 9-day break. For the most part, our weather cooperated and it was only a bit chilly for a couple of days. In Minnesota, you never know what it's going to do from day to day. After a horribly cold and snowy Winter and a very rainy Spring, my week off brought some warm, sunny weather! We had one day with 103 degree temps. . .(I didn't even mind that heat.) Then, 2 days later, it was 40 degrees cooler with a temp of 64! Crazy! I spent my days not only creating cards but also finally getting my veggies and flowers planted! I thought I would share some of those with you today.
First of all, my Peonies are an all time fave of mine! Love how huge they get, the wonderful pink color and heavenly fragrance!

I love my deck and spend lots of time relaxing there. I like to fill pots with pretty colors. This one is my fave this year.

I love the contrast of the purple shades!

Here's another pot filled with Osteospermum. Love the colors of these sweet little daisies!

I found a pink Gerbera Daisy with white tips that I thought was so pretty!

Here's a close-up:

And I love the colors of this Geranium!


This is Nemesia.

I had heard of it before but have never seen it. I planted four of them in my garden, along with some Petunias. They have a lovely, soft fragrance!
Here is a view of my deck from the back yard.

At the far corner of the yard is my vegetable garden.

Doesn't look like much in this photo but as I write this, the cucumbers, pea pods, beans, green peppers and tomatoes are all growing nicely now! Can't wait to eat it all!
And I'll leave you with a photo of just one of the many vases placed around the house with Peonies.

You have to enjoy them while you can. . .it's such a short blooming season for these beauties! I'll be bringing a few of them to my girlfriends at work tonight, so they too can enjoy them.
Thanks so much for coming by today! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! :)