I worked yesterday, but it was not a normal day in the floral department. It was year-end inventory day. Not my favorite thing to do (all that counting) but I finished a bit early so took some photos of the decorations around the store.
I'll start with where I spend most of my days. Here's a shot (just like the one I took at Halloween time) as you walk toward the floral dept.
And here are a few photos of the department. This first one is of my bouquet case.
This is where I place most of the 6-inch plants.
And of course we have all sorts of Poinsettias! Even purple for those non-traditional-loving shoppers!
This one is my favorite this year. White poinsettia, painted with a gold shimmer. . .so elegant!
Gotta love the glitter!
A few fun things we sell this time of year.
And now for the decorations around the rest of the store. You may have seen this tree in the Flickr discussion thread.
Here's another sort of tree!
These next photos are of cute decorations, placed up high in the various departments. Excuse the weird angles. . .tough to get a good shot from down below.
This is how we decorate the signs down each isle. I'll have to let my boss know that the Bar Soap/Cleaners sign is a bit crooked! :)
And here is what hangs over the cashiers. Remind you of a certain Hero Arts Snowflake?
I will have to take a couple more photos at the end of this week. We are having an open house with lots of food demos, an ice sculpture and remember the big haunted house that our fabulous cake decorator made out of graham crackers? (See it here.) Well, she is in the process of making a big huge church! Can't wait to show you!
Hope you enjoyed the tour of the store! Have a wonderful week! :)