Today is the day, 22 years ago, that my hubby and I were married! I thought it would be fun to go down memory lane and show you a few photos from our wedding. It's so fun to look back and see what the fashion trends were back then! My dress was purchased by my amazingly generous, older sister Nancy! She's the best! Here are some of the photos from our special day, way back when.
My father was not alive, so both of my brothers walked me down the isle. I look so nervous, don't I? I do remember getting to the alter and whispering to the priest, "Can I do that again?"
These next two photos show how beautiful our church is. All my brothers and sisters were married here and all of our kids were baptized here too.
There are some amazing stained glass windows in our church. Gorgeous colors!
Here I am with my 3 sisters on the right and 3 best buddies on the left.
This one's my favorite! It was my mom's 16x20 framed photo of the two of us with my brothers and sisters. I now have this photo in my house and I love it.
Here's me and my mom. She looked so beautiful that night!
This one shows you the Star Gazer Lily bouquets that were on the alter.
Here's my new hubby and me, dancing at the reception. I remember my long train was a hook-on kind that I could take off. A fairly new idea for back then.
And here we are! All ready to start our life together!
It's been a wonderful 22 years! Dietz (nickname for Dietmar and pronounced, Deet-mar. . . .born in Germany) has been a loving husband, fabulous father to our two boys and even though there have been some rough times, we seem to always make it through. . . together! Here's a card I gave to him this morning, along with a box of his favorite golf balls.
And take a guess what he gave me. . . . .Yup! A gift card to Archiver's! Can't wait to go get some new goodies!
Thanks for sticking with me through this long post! Hope you enjoy your day! :)