Hello, from the frigid state of Minnesota.
It really can't get much colder, can it? The temperature last night plunged to minus 10 degrees and that is WITHOUT the windchill! Yikes! Then when you factor in the wind, they say it feels like 20 to 25 below zero!
Help me! I'm having dreams of mowing the lawn, pulling weeds from my vegetable garden and cutting my Peonies to bring them inside! And it all still seems so far away! I ask myself every year, "Why do I live here?" It's a darn good question that I don't have an answer to. Okay, enough complaining about the weather. . .I'll get through it, and it really does make me appreciate the Spring and Summer months!
So I've been putting this post off for a long time. I think it's because I'm not very comfortable trying to come up with things about myself, that I think would be interesting enough for any of you to want to read, but it's way past due, so here goes. I've received three awards in the last few months. Many of you have received the same ones. Here they are:

This one was given to me by Trinh and Joy. . .thank you ladies!

I got this one from both Anne and Virginia. . .so nice, thanks!

Suze and Trinh gave me this one. . .thank you both!
I don't remember what exactly what I'm suppose to do with each one, but I do know I'm suppose to tell you a few things about myself and then pass them on. I've tried to come up with three things that you may not know about me.
1.) I used to be a gymnast in high school and actually won the gold medal on the balance beam in the Minnesota State Girls Gymnastics Meet, back in 1977.2.) My husband was born in Germany and his name is Dietmar (Deet-mar) but everyone calls him Dietz (Deetz.)3.) Since starting card making a little over a year ago, my house is never as clean as I'd like it to be!As far as passing the awards onto others, it was too difficult for me to chose, so I leave them for all of you wonderful blogging friends out there. Love visiting all of your blogs and thank you so much for visiting mine! :)