Three days ago it was 68 degrees, here in Minnesota, and right now it is snowing so hard you can barely see driving. I thought it was quite appropriate to change my blog header. We are suppose to get 6 to 10 inches of snow by Sunday morning. Here are a couple of photos I took, looking out my back door, onto my deck.
That tree you see is the same Autumn Blaze Maple that looked so gorgeous, not too long ago, with all the beautiful reddish-orange leaves on it. I sure am glad I don't work today! Hate driving when it's like this!
I guess there's no choice but to get used to it. This is what it's going to be like for the next 4 to 5 months. It is kind of pretty, isn't it? And it's also good for getting into the Christmas spirit! Need to get those Christmas cards finished up!
Hope everyone has a fabulous day! :)